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Airedale Shepherd Dog Breed Pictures, Characteristics, and Facts


For dog parents who enjoy training and burning off energy, the Airedale Shepherd is a loyal match.


The Airedale Shepherd is typically easy to train and responsive to their dog parents. However, with such a high drive dog with endless energy, it’s important to make training consistent and positive. Daily training sessions of around five to ten minutes help this breed keep on track. Additionally, basic obedience classes with a professional trainer can be helpful.


The Airedale Shepherd is loyal and intelligent, but not for beginner dog parents. They can be strong-willed and hard to exercise properly. Ideally, they love walks or hikes for several hours daily. This isn’t reasonable for all dog parents, but without proper stimulation, the Airedale Shepherd will grow bored and frustrated- regardless of how much love there is for them. 



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