The Springerdoodle is a mixed breed, so they don’t have history as their own breed. Both parent breeds, however, are well known and loved.
Spaniel-type dogs are thought to have originated in Spain (where they earned their name) centuries ago. They were likely taken to other parts of the world by the Romans or aboard trading ships. Spaniels were mentioned in Welsh law as early as 300 A.D – we have loved and intentionally bred Spaniels for a long, long time. Spaniels that look similar to the English Springer Spaniel of today are depicted in 16th and 17th century artwork. The spaniel was used to flush gamebirds or other small prey by springing at them then driving them into the open so they could be captured. When firearms were invented in the 17th century, spaniels proved they were still useful, as they were adept at flushing game for shooters. In 1902, England’s Kennel Club granted a special place in their Stud Book for the English Springer Spaniel. In 1913, the first English Springer Spaniel to reach the US was imported by a Canadian breeder. A little more than 10 years later, the breed had become one of the most popular breeds registered by the American Kennel Club. The English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association, the parent club of the breed in the U.S., was formed in 1924. Now, the breed is sorted by field or show type.
The Poodle is one of the oldest breeds developed specifically for hunting waterfowl. Most historians agree that the Poodle originated in Germany, but developed into their own breed in France. Many believe that the breed is the result of crosses between several European water dogs, including Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Hungarian, and Russian water dogs. Some say that the Miniature and Toy Poodles emerged shortly after the Standard, but many believe it wasn’t until the 1400s that breeders began intentionally creating smaller versions of the Poodle — first the Miniature, then the Toy — to delight the Parisian bourgeoise. Although the Standard was used for duck hunting, the smaller varieties had use as well – while many kept them as lapdogs, they were also talented truffle hunters. It’s not known for sure when Poodles arrived in the U.S., but the American Kennel Club registered their first Poodle in 1886. The Poodle Club of America was founded in 1896, but disbanded shortly thereafter. Poodle enthusiasts reestablished the club in 1931.
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